Archdale Residence

Encino, CA

This project breathes new life into the gardens surrounding a recently renovated mid-century modern home designed by Richard Neutra in 1951. Extant landscape drawings by Garrett Eckbo for the property depict a sensitivity to the sloping topography and existing groves of native Coast Live Oak trees.

Pamela Burton & Company was invited to work with the client, architectural historian, contractor and arborist to research the original design concepts, evaluate and determine which aspects of the landscape to preserve, and reinterpret the spaces to accommodate the current family’s programmatic preferences.

Early plantings of Eucalyptus had grown up to obscure expansive valley views and overly shade the lawn area. Original circular pools along the front walk and a reflecting pond in back had been removed. Concrete roundel pathways throughout the site had been replaced with retaining walls and steps.

Inspired by Eckbo’s writing in 1949 that “the space of house and that of garden are parts of a single organism” the designers removed impediments between the house and garden and restored the pools, reflecting pond and roundel paths. The non-native Eucalyptus were cut down to expose still beautiful views of neighboring hillsides. A previously obscured view to the swimming pool was opened, greatly increasing the perceived size of the property. Beyond the pool, in a corner Eckbo intended as a destination, lies a new rose garden and fruit trees.

0.5 Acres

Barbara Lamprecht (Architectural Historian)
Ted Broden Construction (Executive Architect)
Oscar Luna (Landscape Contractor)
Envision Design Build

Caitlin Atkinson


El Cerro

