Aqueduct Centennial Garden
Los Angeles, CA
PB&Co worked closely with the LADWP to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The collaborative design acknowledges Los Angeles’s complex history with this important water source, while honoring the current scarcity of this resource. Located adjacent to Griffith Park, the garden narrates a compelling story of the LA aqueduct via a demonstration garden showcasing drought tolerant shrubs and a decomposed granite path that snakes along a concrete curb finished with blue glass, signifying water’s journey to Los Angeles.
Details such as steel mile markers that indicate distances and city markers from Mono Lake to Los Angeles help translate this story to visitors. The narrative culminates at an 8-foot tall riveted steel section of the original Aqueduct pipe and medallion set in concrete with William Mulholland’s words “There it is. Take it!”
By incorporating interpretive elements along with plant materials, seating and details, PB&Co‘s design commemorated the occasion while providing a flexible park space for local residents. Award: ASLA Southern California Chapter Merit Award
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
2 Acres
Shaw & Sons (Specialty Concrete)
Jack Coyier